

    DATE:     March 29, 2015
    VENUE:  CERTS Butuan City

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The passers below are arranged according to their alphabetical surname order


Alipao, Decejon

Asio, Regile

Billones, Ryan Ray

Burato, Cyril

Cedeño, Marife

Dahildahil, Renz Ian

Delos Santos, Tasneem Ahmad

Gamo, Trisha, Ysobel

Gasatan, Joanna Shiela

Gomez, Jose Louise

Lovete, Ian Kit

Lozada, Jay Rodell

Maglinao, John Stepphen

Mosende, Nerissa

Pearson, Rocky Jay

Perez, Jean Camille

Plaza, Althea Grace

Salva, Jessa

Sudario, Shian Ruth

Suguitan, Irene Mabelle

Yamit, Rikki Mae


Cabarlo, Maria Lourdes

Duazo, Lovely Joy

Paeste, Crystal

Pendon, Zeny Kamandoan

Patubo, Wesa Mae



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