

    DATE:     November 28, 2015
    VENUE: Topnotch Pampanga & NIAT HQ

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The passers below are arranged according to their alphabetical surname order

Capiral, Katrina Jan S.

Chiu, Mark

Cube, Billyrome D.

Cunanan, Felix B. II

De Jesus, Kate Camylon

Estores, Catherine Mae F.

Hierco , Princess Jellene

Isais, Krichelle Q.

Lagonilla, Pamela Anne

Macabulos, Merrianelo D.

Maclang, Miriam Therese A.

Musni, Dianica

Pabustan, Lea D.

Panique, Dan Fedderbert P.

Paras, Angelo Justin A.

Pare, Jeanette T.

Pinpin, Diane Cristine L.

Policarpio, Mari Grace N.

Sampang, Jennah Lyn B.

Sazon, Lara Jill



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