NIAT, IPA of Australia signs Memorandum of Agreement
The National Institute of Accounting Technicians (NIAT) together with the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) of Australia signed a Memorandum of Agreement that will provide benefits to all Certified Accounting Technicians of NIAT to directly apply for membership to the IPA of Australia.
Assets for Success
In celebration of St. Paul University Accountancy Week, the program “ASSETs for success” was held last July 25, 2013. Various topics were discussed during the “ASSETs for success” program, particularly the career options available for the graduating students taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Mr. Henry Ong, Director of NIAT Philippines, discussed the CAT licences in an open forum. The overall event was handled by the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants of St. Paul University Quezon City.
NIAT Renewal Membership
To all the members of NIAT, please be reminded that you must renew your membership. Failure of membership renewal may results in losing your eligibility for applying to international membership. For more information how to renew your membership, feel free to call at 263 3558 or message us at